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Simulates a stage-based demographic population model and returns simulation results across multiple replicate runs. Processes run at each simulation time-step include:

  1. Density dependence calculations (ceiling, logistic, or user-defined)

  2. Environmental stochasticity calculations

  3. Stage transition (stochastic) calculations

  4. Translocation calculations (user-defined)

  5. Harvest calculations (user-defined)

  6. Mortality calculations (user-defined)

  7. Dispersal calculations (default or user-defined)

  8. Results collection





Nested list/object with named elements:


Number to seed the random number generation for stochasticity.


Number of replicate simulation runs (default is 1).


Number of simulation time steps. Required input.


Number of years per time step (default is 1).


Number of populations. Required input.


Data frame (or matrix) of X-Y population coordinates.


Number of life cycle stages.


A Region object defining the study region.


Array (or matrix) of initial abundances (at each stage in rows) for each population (in columns). If there is only one stage and a region object is attached, then initial abundance may be provided in the form of a raster with the same specs as the region raster. A vector can be provided that will be forced to a matrix. Required input.


Matrix of transition (fecundity & survival) rates between stages at each time step (Leslie/Lefkovitch matrix). Required input.


Matrix of 0-1 to indicate which (proportions) of transition rates refer to fecundity.


Maximum transition fecundity rate (in Leslie/Lefkovitch matrix).


Boolean for choosing demographic stochasticity for transition, dispersal, harvest and/or other processes (default is TRUE).


Standard deviation matrix (or single value) for applying environmental stochasticity to transition rates.


List containing either an environmental correlation matrix (correlation_matrix), a pre-calculated transposed (Cholesky) decomposition matrix (t_decomposition_matrix), or a compact transposed (Cholesky) decomposition matrix (t_decomposition_compact_matrix) and a corresponding map of population indices (t_decomposition_compact_map), as per SpatialCorrelation class attributes.


Array (matrix) of carrying capacity values at each population cell (populations rows by time_steps columns when across time). Required input.


Density dependence can be "ceiling" (default), "logistic" (Ricker), or a user-defined function (optionally nested in a list with additional attributes) for adjusting transition rates: function(params), where params is a list passed to the function containing:


3D array of transition rates: stages by stages by populations.


Matrix of 0-1 to indicate which (proportions) of transition rates refer to fecundity.


Maximum transition fecundity rate (in Leslie/Lefkovitch matrix).


Array of carrying capacity values for each population.


Matrix of abundances for each stage (rows) and population (columns).


Array of summed population abundances for all stages.


Array of summed population abundances for stages affected by density.


Maximum growth rate value or array for populations.


Array of indices for populations occupied at (current) time step.


Function (function(growth_rates)) for finding multipliers (when stages > 1) to apply to affected transitions that result in target growth rates (dominant eigenvalues).


Function (function(transition_array, multipliers) for applying multipliers (when stages > 1) to the affected transition rates within a transition array (returns multiplied array).


SimulatorReference object with dynamically accessible attached and results lists.

optional attributes

Additional numeric attributes when density dependence is optionally nested in a list.

returns a transformed transition 3D array


Maximum growth rate (utilized by density dependence processes).


Matrix of booleans or numeric (0-1) indicating the transition vital rates affected by density (default is all).


Array of booleans or numeric (0,1) for each stage to indicate which stages are affected by density (default is all).


Numeric precision of the calculated multipliers (used when stages > 1) applied to affected transition rates (default is 3 decimal places).


An optional user-defined function (optionally nested in a list with additional attributes) for applying translocation or spatio-temporal management (to abundances): function(params), where params is a list passed to the function containing:


Number of replicate simulation runs.


Number of simulation time steps.


Number of years per time step.


Number of populations.


Number of lifecycle stages.


Boolean for optionally choosing demographic stochasticity for the transformation.


Array of booleans or numeric (0,1) for each stage to indicate which stages are affected by density.


Simulation replicate.


Simulation time step.


Array of carrying capacity values for each population at time step.


Matrix of (current) abundance for each stage (rows) and population (columns) at time step.


Array of indices for populations occupied at (current) time step.


SimulatorReference object with dynamically accessible attached and results lists.

additional attributes

Additional attributes when the transformation is optionally nested in a list.

returns a transformed stage abundance matrix (or a list with stage abundance and carrying capacity)


An optional user-defined function (optionally nested in a list with additional attributes) for applying harvesting (to abundances): function(params) as per translocation.


An optional user-defined function (optionally nested in a list with additional attributes) for applying mortality (to abundances): function(params) as per translocation.


Either a matrix of dispersal rates between populations (source columns to target rows) or a list of data frames of non-zero dispersal rates and indices for constructing a compact dispersal matrix, and optional changing rates over time (as per class DispersalGenerator dispersal_data attribute). Alternatively a user-defined function (optionally nested in a list with additional attributes) may be used: function(params), where params is a list passed to the function containing:


Number of replicate simulation runs.


Number of simulation time steps.


Number of years per time step.


Number of populations.


Boolean for optionally choosing demographic stochasticity for the transformation.


Array of booleans or numeric (0,1) for each stage to indicate which stages are affected by density.


Array of relative dispersal (0-1) for each stage to indicate the degree to which each stage participates in dispersal.


Simulation replicate.


Simulation time step.


Array of carrying capacity values for each population at time step.


Matrix of abundance for each stage (rows) and population (columns) at time step.


Array of indices for populations occupied at time step.


SimulatorReference object with dynamically accessible attached and results lists.

additional attributes

Additional attributes when the transformation is optionally nested in a list.

returns the post-dispersal abundance matrix


Array of relative dispersal (0-1) for each stage to indicate the degree to which each stage participates in dispersal (default is 1 for all stages).


Dispersal proportion (p) density dependence via source population abundance divided by carrying capacity (n/k), where p is reduced via a linear slope (defined by two list items) from n/k <= cutoff (p = 0) to n/k >= threshold (aliases: dispersal_n_k_cutoff & dispersal_n_k_threshold).


Dispersal rate (r) density dependence via target population carrying capacity (k), where r is reduced via a linear slope (through the origin) when k <= threshold (alias: dispersal_k_threshold).


Dispersal rate (r) density dependence via target population abundance (n), where r is reduced via a linear slope (defined by two list items) from n >= threshold to n <= cutoff (r = 0) or vice versa (aliases: dispersal_n_threshold & dispersal_n_cutoff).


Dispersal rate (r) density dependence via target population abundance divided by carrying capacity (n/k), where r is reduced via a linear slope (defined by two list items) from n/k >= threshold to n/k <= cutoff (r = 0) or vica versa.


Abundance threshold (that needs to be exceeded) for each population to persist.


A vector of simulation process names in configured order of execution (default is "transition", "translocation", "harvest" (plus harvested results), "mortality", "dispersal", "results" (except harvested).

additional transformation functions

Additional user-defined abundance transformation functions (optionally nested in lists with additional attributes) are utilised when listed in simulation_order (function as per translocation).


List of results selection from: "abundance" (default), "ema", "extirpation", "extinction_location", "harvested", "occupancy"; "summarize" (default) or "replicate".


Array of booleans or numeric (0, 1, 2, ...) for each stage to indicate which stages are included/combined (each unique digit > 0; optionally named) in the results (default is 1 for all stages).


Selected simulation results as a nested list summarized (mean, sd, min, max) across multiple replicates (default), or 2-3D arrays including results for each replicate:


Matrix or 3D array of simulation abundance: populations rows by time_steps columns (by replicates deep).


List of matrices or 3D arrays of simulation abundance for unique stage combinations when present: each populations rows by time_steps columns (by replicates deep).


Array or matrix of total abundance across populations: time_steps (rows by replicates columns).


List of arrays or matrices of total abundance across populations for unique stage combinations when present: each time_steps (rows by replicates columns).


Array of expected minimum abundance at each time step (averaged across replicates).


Array or matrix of extirpation times: populations (rows by replicates columns).


Array of extirpation time across populations for each replicate.


The weighted centroid of cells occupied in the time-step prior to the extirpation of all populations (if it occurred) for each replicate.


Matrix or 3D array of individuals harvested: populations rows by time_steps columns (by replicates deep).


List of matrices or 3D arrays of individuals harvested for unique stage combinations when present: each populations rows by time_steps columns (by replicates deep).


Array or matrix of individuals harvested across populations: time_steps (rows by replicates columns).


List of arrays or matrices of individuals harvested across populations for unique stage combinations when present: each time_steps (rows by replicates columns).


Array or matrix of the number of populations occupied at each time-step: time_steps (rows by replicates columns).

additional results

Additional results may be attached via user-defined functions (using params$simulator$results).


# U Island example region
coordinates <- data.frame(
  x = rep(seq(177.01, 177.05, 0.01), 5),
  y = rep(seq(-18.01, -18.05, -0.01), each = 5)
template_raster <- Region$new(coordinates = coordinates)$region_raster # full extent
template_raster[][-c(7, 9, 12, 14, 17:19)] <- NA # make U Island
region <- Region$new(template_raster = template_raster)
# Harvest function
harvest <- list(
  rate = 0.3,
  function(params) round(params$stage_abundance * (1 - params$rate))
# Population model
stage_matrix <- matrix(c(
  0, 2.5, # Leslie/Lefkovitch matrix
  0.8, 0.5
), nrow = 2, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
pop_model <- PopulationModel$new(
  region = region,
  time_steps = 10, # years
  populations = region$region_cells, # 7
  stage_matrix = stage_matrix,
  initial_abundance = rep(10, 7),
  carrying_capacity = array(70:1, c(7, 10)),
  harvest = harvest,
  results_selection = c("abundance", "harvested")
# Simulations
population_simulator(pop_model) # model
#> $all
#> $all$abundance
#>  [1]  79  91 102 122 132 145 119  88  55  18
#> $all$harvested
#>  [1] 35 38 43 54 59 64 52 38 22 10
#> $abundance
#>      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10]
#> [1,]    9    9   14   15   18   24   17   14   10     5
#> [2,]    9   15   12   21   19   24   19   14    9     4
#> [3,]   12   12   10   14   16   23   18   13    8     3
#> [4,]   13   15   20   19   27   22   18   13    8     2
#> [5,]   13   19   24   29   26   22   16   12    8     2
#> [6,]   13   13   12   14   11   16   16   11    6     1
#> [7,]   10    8   10   10   15   14   15   11    6     1
#> $harvested
#>      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10]
#> [1,]    3    3    5    7    7   11    8    7    4     2
#> [2,]    4    6    5   10    9   10    8    6    4     2
#> [3,]    6    5    5    6    8   10    8    6    4     2
#> [4,]    6    6    9    9   12   10    7    5    3     2
#> [5,]    6    8   11   13   12    9    7    5    2     1
#> [6,]    5    6    4    5    5    7    7    5    3     1
#> [7,]    5    4    4    4    6    7    7    4    2     0
inputs <- pop_model$get_attributes()
population_simulator(inputs) # list
#> $all
#> $all$abundance
#>  [1]  85 117 123 126 126 131 110  84  56  20
#> $all$harvested
#>  [1] 36 48 53 55 55 54 48 34 21  8
#> $abundance
#>      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10]
#> [1,]   11   19   18   20   18   25   19   14   10     5
#> [2,]    9   12   12   13   14   10    7    9   10     4
#> [3,]   13   25   28   28   28   23   18   13    9     3
#> [4,]   14   16   17   17   13   22   17   13    8     3
#> [5,]   12   15   15   15   15   14   17   12    7     2
#> [6,]   12   15   15   12   18   16   16   12    6     2
#> [7,]   14   15   18   21   20   21   16   11    6     1
#> $harvested
#>      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10]
#> [1,]    5    7    8    9    7   10    9    7    4     2
#> [2,]    4    4    5    6    6    4    3    4    3     2
#> [3,]    6   10   12   13   12   10    8    5    3     2
#> [4,]    6    7    8    7    5   10    8    5    3     1
#> [5,]    5    6    6    6    7    5    7    5    3     1
#> [6,]    5    7    6    4    8    7    7    4    3     0
#> [7,]    5    7    8   10   10    8    6    4    2     0